Crossing Southern Africa

Crossing Southern Africa

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I´m at Lusaka with mechanics problems. I broke down the clutch cable and the engine start, so I don´t know when we will be heading Bostwana, but I´m looking forward to do so. I´ve found a british guy who fixes the United Nations car here and seems to be a good mechanic. I wish as good as Christofer, the german one who owns Jungle Junction in Nairobi. He can fix the Discovery Nasa with a rust wire. I send you a picture of my broken down bike and me on a junk track. It´s been 9 hours driving from Mpika to Lusaka. Apart from the clutch, the mosquitos, the bugs and the dust, the hot and the dirty, everything is going well. Especially if you don´t drink tap water and eat fresh fruit. I did it and I´m still alive but just because the ugly men we are always lucky.